Our Compliance and Ethics Programme
Subsea7 Group has a compliance and ethics programme designed to embed our Code of Conduct and help manage compliance (also referred to as “conduct”) risks, including prevent bribery and other unethical conduct by the company and those who work for us. The programme is informed and underpinned by our Values and our Board’s determination to conduct business ethically and in a way that is consistent with our Values: Safety, Integrity, Sustainability, Performance, Collaboration and Innovation.
Our programme is summarised in this graphic:

While much of our focus has been on anti-bribery/anti-corruption (ABAC), as well as other legal compliance areas such as competition/anti-trust, sanctions and export controls, and tax evasion, the programme also has a broader, business ethics scope which is defined by Seaway7’s Ethics Policy Statement and Code of Conduct. Increasingly, we are leveraging various aspects of our programme (such as risk assessments, due diligence, training and supply chain management procedures) to assess and manage modern slavery, human trafficking and other human rights risks.
More details about our Compliance and Ethics Programme, including our ABAC Programme, can be found HERE.